Planet Earth has recorded the past year Highest average temperature everThis exceeded the previous record of 2016 by a large margin. It was the first time that the average temperature of the planet approached 1.5 degrees Celsius, which is the danger indicator, as announced Paris Agreement 2015.
Some scientists expect that 2024 will be the first year in human history in which the average temperature of the planet breaks the 1.5 degree Celsius barrier.
This temperature barrier is extremely important, because it is a catalyst for many climate shifts that will directly contribute to uncontrollable temperature rises. This is despite the fact that the average temperature in the world may decrease after the disappearance of the “El Niño“current this year, which may continue until April 2024, and it is a heat emission phase in the natural climate cycle that occurs constantly in the tropical Pacific Ocean.
As the temperature rises to this point, one of the main affected people will be tropical coral reefs, which contain important ecosystems with great biological diversity, and 99% of them will be affected, which may threaten the lives of many living creatures, and thus threaten a source of food and basic income for about a billion people.
According to an analysis conducted by biodiversity scientist Alex Piggott at the University of California; He found that even if current efforts could limit global warming to 1.5°C, 15% of organisms would still face the risk of suddenly losing at least a third of their current geographic range. This number could double to 30% if the average temperature reached 2.5 degrees Celsius.
If the temperature exceeds the 1.5 degree Celsius mark, the risk of severe heat waves will rise beyond the ability of human bodies to recover from. Several geographical regions, such as the Arabian Gulf, South Asia, and northern China, may witness a noticeable increase in the level of humidity, which may cause serious health risks.
The dire consequences also include increased risks of extinction of some species, devastating storms, and collapse of ice sheets.
Scientists believe that the urgent measures to address these risks are to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, especially those resulting from the burning of coal, oil and gas, which represent 80% of global consumption for energy production.