Hair loss is one of the most prominent problems facing many, which results from a number of factors related to psychological and physical health as well, as the lack of many necessary nutrients that affect hair health, hair loss can affect your scalp and the entire body.
According to a report published on the Express website, there are some healthy foods that play a role in protecting hair from hair loss. It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, often without noticing it, as the National Health Service says that hair loss is not something that calls For anxiety, but sometimes it can be a sign of a medical condition, especially with menopause, as the hormonal changes associated with menopause also contribute to hair loss..
Among the most prominent of these foods to maintain healthy hair:
Because it is one of the foods rich in vitamin E that provides protection for your hair, and provides zinc and selenium, so try to include it as part of a balanced diet.
Because it is rich in iron minerals, a mineral that is especially important for hair and keeps it from falling out.
It contains iron, which is necessary for the health of your hair and protects it from hair loss.
salmon and herring
Because these foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to maintaining the strength of hair follicles from falling out and giving them luster and vitality.
Because it is one of the foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins necessary for the health of your hair and protection from hair loss.
Experts warned that if the daily hair loss is greater than 100 hairs per day, a gradual thinning of the hair follicles may occur, and it is necessary to consult your doctor in that case.