Young children understand and feel more than they can verbally express, and as a result, they may become emotionally confused, leading to behavior such as yelling, tantrums, etc. kidshealthSome common behavioral problems in young children and how to treat them.
Q: What are the causes of crying in children?
A: Your little one is full of energy at the moment and has probably recently discovered that he can also scream, every time he does, you come from anywhere and you care about him. Screaming does not mean the child’s angry behavior because he does not yet understand that screaming is not a good thing.
Q: How to deal with the problem of screaming with children?
A: If you yell again at your child, he may think it is okay to yell, you can teach him how to distinguish between loud and soft, shout loudly and ask him to do so, then in a low voice, ask him to repeat what he said, so the next time he screams Child, ask him to speak softly instead.
Q: What are the reasons behind nail biting in children?
A: Nail biting can become a habit, and your child may start doing it unconsciously and without stimulation, and it may become habitual for him to be unaware of it. This happens when the child is bored or under stress.
Q: How do you deal with the problem of ingrown nails in children?
A: The more you scold him, complain, or push him to quit the habit, the more likely he is to stick with it. He will kick the habit as soon as he realizes that others are watching him, but it may take some time. Help him find an appropriate physical activity to help him de-stress No. Annoy him, especially in front of people.
Q: What is the problem of whining in children?
Keep this in mind, your baby is totally dependent on you for everything important in his life, including eating, drinking, supporting and even cleaning up after he gets clean. Whatever he needs, this becomes his usual behavior.
Q: How do you deal with the problem of whining in your child?
If you hear your child grumbling, get down to his eye level and assure him that you are listening and paying attention. If your child asks in a natural voice to endorse this behavior as right, respond quickly. Avoid stimuli such as hunger and exhaustion. These are the times when the whining can increase.
Q: What is the condition of crowd phobia and how does it affect the psyche of your child?
When your child is surrounded by a large group of people, he is likely to become undisciplined and uncontrollable. This can happen at the mall, a crowded train station, or a crowded party.
Q: How do you deal with the problem of crowd phobia in your child?
Your baby is not used to large crowds of strangers in an unfamiliar environment and will want to cling to you or even force you to leave, don’t ignore this, cuddle and gently squeeze your baby’s hand to reassure him that you are there for him and that he is safe. Take it one step at a time, gradually expose him to the audience, and finally applaud the fact that he bravely faced the situation.
Q: How do you deal with a liar child?
Your child may not be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy until he is 3 or 4 years old. He is still unfamiliar with the concept of lying, and has no idea what the term really means. They make imaginary creatures and people as they deny painting on the wall or pouring milk.
Accusing your child of a particular act will not help him. Instead, set up a situation or encourage a conversation in which he can readily admit rather than reject. If you overload your child with a long list of things to avoid, he may feel confused and have to lie. Create an environment Confidence by telling him that you trust him and that he should trust you.