Belly fat not only affects your appearance, but it can also affect your health, it is a group of stubborn visceral fat that is very worrying, and getting rid of it is not easy at all, there are a range of factors that cause the accumulation of belly fat, and what are the things we can do To prevent or get rid of them, the Times of India reports.
Trans fats are very unhealthy
Eating fat is important for your body, but the most important thing is to know the right fat for you, trans fats for example are among the most unhealthy fats, which not only leads to increased belly fat but increases your overall body weight, apart from that, it can also make you more Prone to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc., trans fats are abundant in baked goods and packaged products.
Therefore, in order to lose belly fat, you should cut back on foods that are high in trans fats, and instead eat wholegrain products that are rich in fiber and vegetables that contain a lot of nutrients and minerals.
trans fats
Drink enough water
Make sure you drink enough water, as it will not only make you feel full, but will keep you hydrated for longer periods of time, unlike sugary drinks.
lack of physical activity
If you do not do any physical activity, losing belly fat will be next to impossible, doing regular exercises is what keeps you fit and allows you to reduce the storage of fat in the body.
lack of physical activity
Limit sugary foods and drinks
Your eating habits can also affect your health and weight. If you consume a lot of sugar, you are at risk of developing excess belly fat, which is refined carbs that are difficult to burn for energy, and ultimately stored as fat.
Sugary foods and drinks
Stress and lack of sleep
Studies have indicated that stress and anxiety can lead to an increase in the secretion of cortisol in the body, which in turn slows down the metabolism and increases cravings for high-calorie foods, resulting in a significant decrease in the chances of losing weight or belly fat.
Stress and lack of sleep
Eat foods that are low in fiber
Foods rich in fiber are essential, especially when you want to get rid of visceral fat in your tummy and tighten your stomach.