It was the best thing that you have ever done. Early retirement from a job that was having its benefits eroded with pension under threat and waving goodbye to a moribund existence. Instead, you swapped it all to move somewhere that you have visited on many occasions and deeply love.
Arriving on a one way flight was a huge relief, followed by a nice break and some relaxation as you acclimatised and had some fun visiting familiar places and catching up with old friends. Next up was the task of organising what is commonly called a retirement visa once a month holiday visa was near its expiry. And of course, the extremely vital task of organising health insurance in Thailand for 6 important reasons.
1. You often head out for adventure and are determined to see as many places around the Land of Smiles as possible, which includes heading to places where there are few western tourists or expats. You might need help but will not have anyone to lean on. Having insurance ensures that you will receive the very best immediate treatment.
2. Your nature means that you will try all food and drink. Sometimes it may mean suffering a reaction requiring medicine or even a visit to hospital. Your insurance will cover you. Some personal self care tips may also assist you to remain healthy.
3. You know that if you are going to be ill anywhere, then there are a lot worse places to be than Thailand, with its highly regarded health care, attracting visitors from around the globe to have treatments. You will receive those same benefits with health insurance through a reputable company, with private hospitals assisting in liaising to ensure payment. If any treatment is required, even in emergency situations, it is rarely free of charge in Thailand. Expensive medicine, medical supplies, and laboratory costs will lead to substantial financial deductions without insurance.
4. One thing you are considering is buying a motorbike to find your way around. While you try to be careful, you cannot account for the actions of others who may not have the same principles when on the roads as yourself.
5. It is not unknown for you to enjoy a party, which inevitably will lead to the dropping of your guard. You will be covered for any mishaps should you be involved in any accidents.
6. While you are currently fit, anybody can be struck down with illness or disease, especially when living in a climate that you have not previously spent any length of time in. The heat can sometimes be a bit too much, especially in a stunning historical city out in the open. Ageing can also lead to a requirement for operations and a stay in hospital. The peace of mind offered by adequate insurance will allow you to enjoy your life without worrying.
Thailand is a wonderful place to live and retire, but don’t be caught out by a lack of health insurance. Get yourself covered today.