In Mexico, 7 out of 10 women over the age of 15 have faced at least one situation of violence throughout their lives. Psychological violence and sexual violence are the most prevalent among the population.
Women experience aggression in all areas of their lives: the community, in their relationships, at school and at work. And the arrival of Covid-19 and the crisis it caused did increase the levels of violence perceived by women in Mexico.
According to figures from the ENDIREH (National Survey on the Dynamics of Relationships in Households), in 2016, 66.1% of women said they had been victims of some type of violence throughout their lives and for the lifting of 2021, this figure climbed to 70.1 percent.
The women perceived that there was an impact of the pandemic on their dynamics and relationships; 8.5% of women over 15 years of age said that conflicts in the family environment began or intensified since the health emergency began. And 5.2% perceived this change in the sphere of the couple.
This perspective of the women themselves confirms other indicators that have been analyzed since the start of the pandemic in Mexico, such as emergency calls, requests in shelters for victims of violence, intentional homicides of women and femicides, which have not been achieved. give.
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