From financial constraints to a shift in what we value the most, Christmas presents this season might be different for some people. After months of economic hardship and social distancing, many Europeans are looking for more meaningful presents.
Victor and Ana are giving their mother Charo a special gift this Christmas.
It’s the chance to write her own biography – and include old, treasured pictures and stories of them growing up as a family.
Her son, Victor Ruiz has given her a present which he hopes will have some sentimental value,
“Especially now in this times of COVID. We have had time together to recall old stories, to open the family album and see pictures of our grandparents, who are no longer with us. And it makes you realize the importance of remembering these important persons in your life.”
Over the next few weeks, Susana will be Charo’s private biographer.
‘Think about heritage’
She works for Memoralia, a company that says they’ve revolutionised the way to ‘think about our heritage’.
Charo will recall her life stories for the book so that her memories stay alive for her children and grandchildren. Jorge Escohotado is the company’s founder:
“Memoralia’s proposition is a family present, that is circular, it addresses all the family. It’s a present from the siblings to the parents, but it’s going to be enjoyed by the grandchildren… But the parent has enjoyed the experience.”
Watch Euronews’ full report in the player above.