The great Egyptian actor, Rashwan Tawfiq, said that he remembers his late wife, Omaima Hassan Abdel-Rahman, always, on a daily basis, and visits her every Thursday of every week.
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Tawfiq said during his interview on the Egyptian Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV, “I talk to her every day … and I have to visit her every Thursday … my father passed away when I was 22 years old … I lived with my parents for 22 years, and I lived with my wife 62 years.”
During the period of her illness, he said, “I used to prepare her breakfast before bed, as she woke up before me .. She had an abnormal fulfillment with me, and all she slept with her.”
He continued, “I have not cried since the death of my son Tawfiq except for my wife Omaima, and my daughter said that I heard you while you were talking to her .. She came to me in a dream, and I heard her talking to me, and you say you are brutal to me, and sleep and rest .. She is around all the time, and when we sleep in seeing her while she is there Eighteen years old in a blue dress, thinking of all the details and what she endured for me .. And our Lord honored her 7 times for Hajj, unlike Umrah, and always when she required a need that was necessary to speak .. And whoever works with him, I was with him for her, and I know how much my income is except with the tax declaration.
He added, “When I approached the eighties, I used to say that you are now more beautiful with me than when you were a young woman, and she used to say that my age did not change you, and laughed … and she was beautiful … and I love women because they are more sincere than men.”
It is noteworthy that Rashwan Tawfiq got married to the late woman in 1957, and he has 3 children, among them is the journalist Heba Rashwan. Tawfiq did not leave his wife during her illness, as he stayed with her for more than 3 years and refused many jobs during that period.
Source: The Seventh Day