Price: $12.66
(as of Dec 23, 2020 04:22:36 UTC – Details)
How To Germinate Riverbank Grape Seed Most people would not understand why I would bother growing the River Bank Grape. It is seen as a weed, and useless for its grapes by many. If you were just growing for the fruit, I understand their point, but the River Bank Grape has some features that make it a great greens crop. One, it is very cold tolerant, and it is one vine you don’t have to worry about getting hurt by the cold. In fact, one of its names is the Frost Grape. Another very good reason I love this plant is that once established, it is the most drought tolerant greens crop plant I know of. Few realize the leaves and tendrils are edible, and the tendrils in particular are delicious raw or in cooked meals. Both the leaves and tendrils must be used when they are young and tender, and the tendrils must be used before they touch anything and start wrapping around what they touch – as soon as the do, they start to turn woody. Seeds: Not hard to do, but just so you know, the plant is slower to mature done this way. Wash the flesh off the grape seed, and either plant in the garden in the fall right after you gather them. Plant about 2.5 cm (1 inch) deep, firm the soil over them and cover with about 5 cm (2 inches) of mulch and leave. In the spring, some will come up. Plant at least four seeds for every vine you want, and thin if you get extras. If you want to plant in the spring, wash the seeds clean, put in water to see which ones float and which ones sink. Throw out the floaters. Take the sinkers, and mix with a little moist, but not wet peat moss, put in a zipper type freezer baggie, put in the fridge (not freezer) and take out and plant in the spring. You can start them right in the ground, or in small pots with standard potting soil, and transplant into the ground when they are about 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) tall. Keep moist until established.
GERMINATIONS – Seeds need the right amount of moisture, correct light levels, correct temperature, proper air flow and access to oxygen to germinate. There are lots of methods for seed germination, and you can experiment to see which works best for you.
HOME GARDENING – Create your own home gardening world. Gardening is a wonderful activity to relieve stress and you can do it alone or within the family and friends.
GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE – Growing your own plant is the most organic you can get. You?ll be helping the environment and saving money at the same time.