French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanan announced the sending of security reinforcements to the outskirts of Lyon, which witnessed violence and the burning of 13 cars on Saturday evening.
He wrote in a tweet: “In the face of the unacceptable violence that the Lyon region witnessed in the last hours, I decided to send a third mobile force, and in total there are more than 200 policemen and gendarmes to impose the republican system.”
Face aux violences inacceptables qu’a connues l’agglomération lyonnaise ces dernières heures, j’ai décidé l’envoi d’une troisième unité de force mobile. Ce sont en tout plus de 200 policiers et gendarmes en renfort dès cet après-midi pour faire respecter l’ordre républicain.
– Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) March 6, 2021
The newspaper “Le Figaro” said that “13 cars were set on fire and at least 6 people were arrested Friday evening in the town of Relio-la-Pape, in the suburbs of Lyon, and this is on the second day of the violence in urban areas and the Ducher neighborhood.”
Source: “Lovigaro”