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NOTE: Tasks that are new to the game, or require new mechanics for an older task, are bolded.
Accept Power From Electrical: Turn central tab to engage power flow from left to right.
Put Away Pistols: Pick up highlighted pistols from center table and go to highlighted gun rack to click and drag them into place.
Put Away Rifles: On table above pistols; click on highlighted rifles, then follow yellow arrow to find gun rack. Click and drag them into place.
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up.
Cargo Bay
Fuel engines: Click fuel tank to fill canister, then locate first engine in Engine Room and empty canister into it. Return to Cargo Bay and repeat once more to complete task.
: Interact with the yellow safe in the bottom right part of the room. Upon clicking on it, you will see a numbered dial to the left side, under a piece of paper containing a number and arrow pointing left or right. Turn the dial in the direction of the arrow on the paper, until the number on the paper is aligned with the red dot at the top. Once this is done, a second number with an arrow will appear. After three numbers, the three-pronged wheel on the right of the safe will highlight; clicking on it will mark the task completed.
NOTE: Letting go of the dial in between numbers of the combination will cause the task to reset.
Stabilize Steering: Move the slider to the right so that it is next to the green arrow, and turn the steering wheel to align it with the green outline.
Accept Power From Electrical: Turn central tab to engage power flow from left to right.
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up.
SABOTAGE: Turn handles until radio wavelengths are aligned to reestablish communications.
Divert Power To [LOCATION]: Slide one anomalous slider down/up as required.
Calibrate Distributor: Click on turning wheel when the tab is aligned with the slot on the right. Repeat two more times to complete task.
Reset Breakers: Pull the seven breakers in chronological order. The number can be seen in green at the top of each breaker upon interaction. Pulling the wrong one will cause them all to reset.
SABOTAGE: Fix lights by flipping all switches on, to restore full Crewmate vision.
Engine Room
Fix Wiring: Interact with highlighted panel to find several bisected wires. Click and drag to connect like colors or symbols.
Accept Power From Electrical: Turn central tab to engage power flow from left to right.
Gap Room
Accept Power From Electrical: Turn central tab to engage power flow from left to right.
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up.
SABOTAGE: Enter code on keypads on both Records and Meeting Room sides of the area to divert crash course.
Make Burger: Go to the highlighted plate in the top center of the room. Look at recipe card, which will be some combination of patty, lettuce, onion, and tomato between two buns. Recreate it, working from the bottom up.
Empty Garbage: Click and drag back and forth until the garbage falls out (dispose of garbage using chute in Meeting Room, similar to Empty Garbage Chute tasks in other maps).
Fix Wiring: Interact with highlighted panel to find several bisected wires. Click and drag to connect like colors or symbols.
Clean Toilet: Look in stalls until you find the highlighted toilet. Click on it, and drag plunger up and down until the gauge to the right goes all the way into the furthest end of the red zone.
Main Hall
Fix Wiring: Interact with highlighted panel to find several bisected wires. Click and drag to connect like colors or symbols.
Empty Garbage: Click and drag back and forth until the garbage falls out (dispose of garbage using chute in Meeting Room, similar to Empty Garbage Chute tasks in other maps).
Develop Photos: Click on highlighted tub in darkroom. Click and drag three photos into it, and then return in 60 seconds to remove the photos and complete the task.
Decontaminate: Go to the top right room in, over the floor drain. Stand under the shower here until your “dirty” meter depletes.
Empty Garbage: Click and drag back and forth until the garbage falls out (dispose of garbage using chute in Meeting Room, similar to Empty Garbage Chute tasks in other maps).
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up.
Meeting Room
Enter ID Code: In the far right part of the room, interact with touchpad to input your unique user ID. Click the green check to complete the task.
Accept Power From Electrical: Turn central tab to engage power flow from left to right.
Empty Garbage Chute: After collecting garbage from other location, pull down on chute handle until task is completed.
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up.
Sort Records: Pick up folders on middle table, one by one, then approach highlighted file cabinets in wall. Click open space where file or binder is missing.
Rewind Tapes: Match number on top with post-it note on tape by hitting fast-forward/rewind buttons (double arrows pointing left or right).
Fix Wiring: Interact with highlighted panel to find several bisected wires. Click and drag to connect like colors or symbols.
Pick Up Towels: Click on every yellow-highlighted towel, then, once you have them all, deposit them in the beige towel bin near the shower entrance to the records hall.
Fix Showers: Approach highlighted showerhead. Click and hold to power up the hammer; let go when the hammer gauge is in the red zone. If you miss the red zone, you will just need a few more hits to get it fixed.
Fix Wiring: Interact with highlighted panel to find several bisected wires. Click and drag to connect like colors or symbols.
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up.
Dress Mannequin: Approach mannequin that is highlighted. A choice of hats, glasses, and clothing will come up, as well as an image of the goal outfit. Choose one of each type to match the mannequin with the image.
Polish Ruby: Click on the ruby in the center of room, then click and drag back and forth on scuffed parts until they shine.
Start Fans: Reveal code at the Cargo Bay side terminal (code will be a series of diamonds), then go all the way around to the Showers side terminal to input code
Viewing Deck
Fix Wiring: Interact with highlighted panel to find several bisected wires. Click and drag to connect like colors or symbols.
Upload/Download Data: Click Upload/Download and wait for bar to fill up. Note that this task must be completed at a small node on the balcony outside of the ship.
Accept Power From Electrical: Turn central tab to engage power flow from left to right.
Along with new tasks, there are some changes for the Imposters as well. Here is a list of vent locations, physical sabotages, and sealable doors to help you in your inconveniencing and/or murdering of your fellow Crewmates.
Vent Locations
- Showers, bottom right corner
- Main hall, bottom left bedroom
- Vault, far left side
- Records, near right door
- Cargo Bay, bottom left
- Engine Room, bottom right
- Kitchen, above right door
- Viewind Deck, for left
- Cockpit, middle
- Gap Room, bottom left and bottom right
- Main Hall, janitor closet
Sabotage Options
- Comms: Sabotage communications so Crewmates cannot access their list of tasks
- Electrical: Sabotage lights so Crewmate vision is greatly reduced
- Gap Room: Sabotage navigation, so Crewmates must avert the ship’s crash course
Lockable Doors
- Comms
- Brig
- Records
- Medical
- Kitchen
- Main Hall