Ditching processed foods for complex carbohydrates like sweet potato and brown rice, getting your hormones checked and doing targeted exercises are vital if you want to shed back fat, a leading personal trainer has claimed.
Rachael Attard, from Sydney, said while you might think it sounds too good to be true, it is possible to create a more defined physique by doing a few things.
‘Back fat can be difficult to treat because it accumulates slowly,’ Rachael told Daily Mail Australia.
She said it’s caused by eating too much sugar and salt, high cortisol levels, not moving enough and the natural ageing process.
Rachael Attard (pictured), from Sydney, said while you might think it sounds too good to be true to drop back fat for good, it is possible to create a more defined physique
Back fat is stubborn and caused by a range of factors, including not exercising enough, eating too much and too much sugar and salt (one of Rachael’s clients pictured)
What causes back fat?
The first step to identifying how to treat your back fat is recognising what causes it.
‘Back fat is stubborn and caused by lots of different factors,’ Rachael said.
‘The most common include not moving or exercising enough, eating too much, consuming too much sugar and salt, high cortisol levels and the natural ageing process.’
But the personal trainer explained that poor posture can further exacerbate back fat, and make it more prominent.
‘People typically gain back fat in three areas,’ Rachael said.
‘The upper back, which is excess fat around your bra area; the middle back, which is excess fat located by your waist; and the lower back, which can spill over the top of your pants and feel like pocket fat.’
She added: ‘High cortisol levels and other hormone imbalances cause fat storage in the lower back, and this can make it very difficult to get rid of until you balance these hormones.’
Rachael said that while having some degree of back fat is healthy, if you think yours is getting out of hand, you might want to do something about it.
There are some foods that lead to a bra-strap bulge more than others, including muffins, sugar-heavy desserts, tomato sauce, cereals and granola bars (client transformation pictured)
What foods contribute to back fat?
Like other types of weight gain, Rachael said back fat appears when you consume more calories than you expend.
But there are some foods that are more likely to lead to a bra-strap bulge than others.
These are processed foods like muffins, sugar-heavy desserts, tomato sauce, sugary cereals and granola bars, chips, burgers, fries and pizza.
‘Fast food and other processed foods are high in calories without providing many (if any) benefits for your health, and they often make you crave more and more food,’ Rachael said.
Try to limit these as much as possible, and instead replace them with lean protein, complex carbohydrates like sweet potato and brown rice and plenty of fruit and veg.
How can you get rid of back fat?
1. Eat a clean diet
The first – and most important – thing to do for the fat on your back is clean up your diet.
‘In general, carbs aren’t terrible for you (unless you have special dietary needs). But white carbs (like white bread, rice, and pasta) and sugar can contribute to weight gain, especially when eaten in excess (which is so easy to do!),’ Rachael said.
‘If you know there are certain foods that cause inflammation for you (like dairy or gluten), you should try to avoid those too.’
Back fat is associated with some hormonal problems, such as insulin resistance, high cortisol, high testosterone, and PCOS, Rachael said.
Because of this, you should quit foods that might cause inflammation in your body and consult a medical professional or GP if you’re not quite sure what does and doesn’t work.
While Rachael (pictured) said it’s impossible to spot reduce fat in any area, you can work on losing it from all areas of your body, which will also help with your back
Rachael recommends a combination of cardio like walking or running and resistance work targeting your upper body and core to deal with your back (a client transformation pictured)
2. Exercise well
Secondly, while Rachael said it’s impossible to spot reduce fat in any area, you can work on losing it from all areas of your body, which will also help with your back.
‘Try to do a mix of cardio and resistance training,’ the PT said.
‘I love walking as a form of cardio because it is an excellent way to burn calories and keep your body in the fat-burning zone, without over exerting yourself.’
When it comes to the type of resistance training you should be doing, Rachael said you should focus on your upper body and core by working your lat muscles with dumbbells.
‘Bodyweight resistance training, boxing, Pilates, and yoga are some great workouts to strengthen your back and core and improve your posture,’ she said.
Once you’ve slimmed your back, the PT said you should look to keep it by doing several things including following a clean diet (client transformation pictured)
Finally, Rachael (pictured) said you should get your hormones checked so you know what the personal trigger foods are for your back, and then be careful about your posture
How can you keep a perfect back?
Once you’ve slimmed your back, the PT said you should look to keep it by doing several things.
‘Continue with your clean diet as much as possible and limit foods that cause inflammation,’ she said.
You should also exercise regularly, especially with a mix of cardio and bodyweight resistance training.
Finally, Rachael said you should get your hormones checked so you know what the personal trigger foods are for your back, and then be careful about your posture.
‘Try to avoid looking down at a computer or phone too much (it is hard, I know), take regular breaks to stretch out, and activate your core muscles when you’re out walking,’ she said.
To find out more about Rachael Attard, you can visit her website here.