Small Business – Incentives to innovate and grow
Taxpayers – Extended relief for low and middle income earners
Elderly – More home care packages and a radical overhaul of aged care system
Women – Steps towards better safety and respect in the workplace
People with mental health issues – Big focus on new types of services
Underemployed – Virtually no mention of underemployment as an issue
Recreation and culture sector – Drop in funding of 19 per cent in real terms over next four years
Sport sector – Drop in expenses of 42 per cent in real terms over four years
National parks – Drop in expenses of 19 per cent over four years
Rural assistance – To fall by 39 per cent in real terms over four years
Air transport – 75.6 per cent dip in expenses over four years
* Budget deficit of $106.6 billion in 2021/22
* Deficit narrows to $99.3 billion in 2022/23, $79.5 billion in 2023/24 and $57 billion in 2024/25
* Commonwealth net debt to rise to $617.5 billion in 2021/22 before hitting $980.6 billion in 2024/25
* Economic growth to rise by 4.25 per cent in 2021/22, before easing to 2.5 per cent in 2022/23
* Unemployment rate of 5 per cent in 2021/22, before falling to 4.75 per cent the following year
* Inflation as measured by CPI to be 1.75 per cent in 2021/22
* Extra $7.8 billion in tax cuts for low and middle income earners, worth $1080 for individuals or $2160 for dual-income couples
* $25.1 billion of announced personal tax cuts will flow to households in 2021/22
* Extension of temporary full expensing for an extra year to June 30, 2023.
* Temporary loss carryback extended to include the 2022/23 income year
* Both measures will deliver an extra $20.7 billion in tax relief for businesses over four years
* Small businesses to get an easier path to pause or modify tax office debt recovery action through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
* $16 billion in tax cuts for small and medium sized businesses by 2023/24
* $1.2 billion aviation and tourism sector package
* $1.5 billion modern manufacturing strategy
* Extension of the HomeBuilder construction commencement period
* Further 10,000 places under the New Home Guarantee for first home buyers
* From July 1, 10,000 guarantees will be made available over four years for single parents to build a new home or buy an existing home with a deposit of as little as two per cent
* From July 1, 2022, First Home Super Saver Scheme voluntary contributions maximum amount will rise from $30,000 to $50,000
* Extra $15.2 billion in infrastructure spending over the decade
* $215.4 million to support investment in dispatchable power generation
* $1.2 billion over 10 years for low-emissions technology
* $2 billion over four years for early childhood education, supporting access to at least 15 hours a week for all children in the year before school
* $289 billion in recurrent funding for schools over the decade
* 5000 extra short-course places at non-university higher education providers in 2021
* $3.5 billion National Water Grid Fund
* $414.5 million biosecurity package
* $172.5 million to be allocated out of the Future Drought Fund for projects, such as climate and soil data gathering
* $250 million extra from the Building Better Regions Fund
* Reinsurance pool for northern Australia backed by $10 billion government guarantee
* $189.6 million for ‘Our North, Our Future’ five year plan
* National Recovery and Resilience Agency and Australian Climate Service to be set up, in response to bushfires royal commission
* $100 million to build digital skills
* Digital games developers to get 30 per cent refundable tax offset
* $200 million to overhaul the MyGov online system
* $1.1 billion for supporting victims of violence, including financial and legal help and emergency accommodation
* $20.5 million to implement the Respect@Work report by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins
* $26.2 million for online safety initiatives
* $1.7 billion extra for child care, increasing the subsidy for the second and subsequent child
* Removal of the $450 per month superannuation threshold
* $38.3 million women’s leadership program
* Subsidised treatments for certain types of breast cancer
* $2.3 billion for improved and expanded mental health care and suicide prevention
* Mental health plan includes new adult mental health centres, Medicare listings, suicide prevention services and workforce improvements
* Further $1.9 billion investment in the vaccine rollout, expanding the number of doses on order to 170 million
* Investigating local production of mRNA vaccines
* Patent box to be introduced, giving a tax break for income derived from Australian patents in the medical and biotechnology sectors
* $17.7 billion to fund aged care reforms
* New funding model to start in October 2022
* 80,000 extra home care packages
* Extra 33,800 training places to boost the aged care workforce
* $243.6 million Indigenous budget, including skills and jobs programs and improved access to government services in remote areas
* Extra $460.4 million for veterans, including a royal commission into defence and veteran suicide
* $29.3 million initial response to reform of environmental protection laws
* Extra $13.2 billion for the National Disability Insurance Scheme over four years
* Extension of pension loans scheme, allowing a single person to receive lump sum payments of up to $12,385 a year or $18,670 for a couple
* Repeal work test to allow Australians aged 67 to 74 more flexibility to contribute to their superannuation
* Minimum age of the downsizer superannuation contribution to be lowered from 65 to 60, allowing a post-tax contribution of $300,000 per person when they sell the family home
* $1.3 billion over 10 years for ASIO
* $467.7 million to bolster domestic detention capabilities
* $747 million to upgrade four military training areas in the Northern Territory
– Australian Associated Press