Digestive health is one of the most important things that affect the health of the entire body, and many factors can contribute to gastrointestinal diseases, including high levels of stress, insomnia, processed foods and sugar, in this report 7 signs of a digestive problem, according to the website ” Smarter living”.
Signs of a digestive problem
1- Discomfort in the stomach
Discomfort in your stomach can manifest in the form of diarrhea, constipation, bloating, heartburn, gas and abdominal pain. If you suffer from these symptoms regularly, you can see your doctor to see that you do not suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, a common disorder that affects the large intestine.
2- Cravings for sugar
Sugar cravings are a sudden symptom indicative of a problem in the gut. Our gut microbes secrete proteins similar to the hormones that regulate hunger leptin and ghrelin. This not only affects our hunger levels and cravings, but our mood as well.
If you eat a lot of sugar, unhelpful bacteria will thrive in your gut and secrete more protein to make you crave more sugar. Improving gut health can help your body get rid of these unhelpful bacteria and improve your mood and overall health.
A quick way to replace sugary snacks with healthy ones is to keep fruits.
3- Lack of sleep
The majority of serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone,” is produced in your gut so poor gut health can affect your sleep, and thus your mood as well.
Lack of sleep can be caused by a variety of factors, including mental health problems, hormonal abnormalities, pain, obesity, and diabetes.
4- Unintended changes in weight
Losing or gaining weight, without making active changes to your diet or exercise routine, can be a sign of a gut problem. A balanced gut should be able to store fats, regulate sugars in your body, and absorb nutrients easily.
Bacteria we get from our diets can indirectly alter gut behavior and cause weight gain, while weight loss may be a sign of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
If you have long periods of rapid weight loss and then weight gain, be sure to check with your doctor for the best treatment for you.
5- Skin irritation
Poor gut health can also affect your skin. Painful or itchy skin conditions can provide insight into what’s going on in your gut. Skin can become inflamed, acne, and skin infections due to food intolerances, poor nutrition, and inflammation of the gut.
6- Laziness
When your body doesn’t receive enough good bacteria from the foods we eat, bad bacteria can thrive, and studies show that digestive issues can cause adrenal fatigue, which in turn can cause digestive issues like the immune system and laziness.
7- Bad breath
Bad breath can indicate poor gut health as well. Constipation and retention of food, which remains in the digestive system and ferments, can cause bad breath.
Bad breath can also be a sign of an GERD problem, or a sign that bacteria in your stomach can lead to a stomach ulcer.