NOr are they the easiest days in the Curry family. NBA players Stephen and Seth have seen their mother file a divorce lawsuit against their father, former NBA player Dell Curry.
Dell and Sonya have been together for over 30 years, and they formalized their relationship by getting married in 1988. At that time, Dell began his career in the team where he stood out in his career, the Charlotte Hornets, after having gone through the Utah Jazz and Cleveland Cavaliers.
Now things are very different. The one who was elected Best Sixth Man in the NBA in 1994 assures in the documents related to the divorce that Sonya “began their extramarital affair during the marriage“And that he lied to him every time he cheated on him.
Dell further maintains that Sonya lives with former New England Patriots player in the 1988 season Steven Johnson, with whom he allegedly cheated on him and therefore “will not have the right to alimony.”
Sonya, on the other hand, claims to live alone. Johnson has not yet spoken about it on one of the most talked about topics in the NBA world.