My passion for soccer was by no means early. As an infant I knew he was a Madridista and he sounded like a certain Raúl, a certain Zidane, Figo, Casillas… But little else. It wasn’t until well into my childhood, touching those pre-adolescent years in which one made the leap from school to high school, that I fell in love. Although, as in all love, there have been comings and goings.
What I do remember quite clearly are two things: the Teresa Herrera and Ramón de Carranza style summer tournaments, and the superstar-ridden commercials they made. Pepsi O Adidas at that time. Obviously, my environment was football fanatic, and the hot summer nights in which they forced me to sit at the table for a while while I ate dinner and watched out of the corner of my eye as the captain on duty raised the sky. from Cádiz that colossal trophy. Yes, I also vaguely remember Robinho’s exhibition.
Tranquility. You’re still on a page dedicated almost entirely to NBA basketball. Here’s my point. Over the years, basketball began to occupy a place in my life similar or greater than that of soccer. I learned to combine the afternoon and evening with the early morning and to get used to consuming sports on a delayed basis with the first legañas of the day. And some time later I discovered with amazement that this world harbored the feeling that that first encounter with football aroused in me. I ran into the Drew League head-on.
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