The veiled women find themselves confused every season because of their desire to keep pace with international fashion and trends, which puts them at a loss all the time while choosing their looks, but they can coordinate their clothes appropriately with fashion through some ideas that can be quoted from the fall-winter 2021/2022 fashion, Quoted from the magazine’s website:ellearabia“.
white chemise
white chemise
White chemise has always been the “Joker” piece of clothing in every girl’s wardrobe, as they can coordinate it on more than one look, and it is very suitable for veiled women as well, and in winter you can wear it under a long leather dress for a perfect, modest, and fashionable look.
long kimono
long kimono
Although it is suitable for veiled women more than others, the long kimono has been able to dominate the looks of girls during the past few years, whether they are veiled or not, and it seems that it will continue with us this fall and winter as well, so you can use it and wear it with jeans, a suitable top and a belt for the waist.
maxi dress
maxi dress
The dress is one of the most important pieces that girls are keen to wear, as it is one of the clothes that helps them appear in a distinctive feminine look, so you can wear the maxi dress for a look that keeps pace with the fashion of fall-winter 2021/2022, and is modest and elegant at the same time.
cheerful colors
cheerful colors
Many girls think that cheerful colors are more suitable to wear during the spring and summer, but recently they have remarkably dominated the global fashion platforms that display the features of fall-winter 2021/2022 fashion, and you can wear them in more than one way that suits your style of choosing fashion.
Uniform looks, or monochrome, as it is called, is one of the fashions that have dominated fashion over the past few years remarkably, because of the elegance and simplicity they add to the look of girls, and it continues with us during the fall and winter of this year as well.