Lemon is rich in vitamins C Which improves calcium absorption, which is important for maintaining optimal bone density, as lemon water is a favorite refreshing drink for many, and there is a lot of confusion about what kidney patients should eat and drink and what they should avoid, and many doctors say that kidney patients often ask them Whether lemon water is beneficial for them, which is explained by a report on the site “Healthline“.
Is lemon water useful for kidney disease?
Our kidneys remove toxins and waste products into the blood, and also play a role in controlling blood pressure, regulating bone health, and maintaining levels of chemicals such as creatinine and uric acid.
Chronic kidney disease occurs when the kidneys are unable to filter the blood, which means toxins and waste products build up in the blood. This can lead to serious health problems such as stroke and heart disease.
Drink lemon water rich in vitamins C The antioxidants and citric acid have no danger to chronic kidney disease patients.
lemon water
Can lemon water help lower creatinine?
Consuming lemon water can have little effect in reducing creatinine levels, but it will not contribute to its growth. Creatinine is a chemical waste product, and it is a byproduct of the wear of our muscles, the more muscle a person has the more creatinine there is in the blood.
The volume of creatinine removed by the kidneys is known as creatinine clearance. In a healthy person, creatinine ranges between 95 ml for females and about 120 ml for males. Creatinine clearance also depends on age, size, and kidney condition. Consumption of water or lemon juice cannot increase or decrease creatinine levels. .
lemon water
Is lemon bad for the kidneys?
Drinking lemon water or juice cannot aggravate the condition of chronic kidney patients, but when taken in large quantities, it can cause some other health problems, such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, and it also acts as a diuretic, which means that it increases fluid secretion in the body. body and frequent urination.
Lemon water and its effect on creatinine
What is the right time to drink lemon water?
There is no right time to take lemon water, but it creates an alkaline environment in the body and is therefore best when taken first thing in the morning.
When you wake up after a restful sleep, your body is doing all the detoxification and getting something alkaline helps maintain the pH balance.
You can take lemon water with ginger and honey, as its antioxidant and antimicrobial contents support the healthy functioning of the kidneys.