A study issued by New York University, of America, revealed that eating fast food increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as it was found that there is a link between the ingredients in those meals and the risk of chronic diseases such as heart, diabetes and certain types of cancers, according to a report published in the publishing site. At Medical Express.
After conducting data on a group of more than 4 million veterans who live in US census areas across the country, researchers have counted fast food restaurants and supermarkets compared to other food outlets, to examine the impact of the food environment and its relationship to chronic disease. The research team used data from the United States Veterans Health Administration (the largest single-paying healthcare system in the country) that captures more than 9 million veterans seen at more than 1,200 health facilities across the country. Restaurants that were fast food, Veterans followed for five and a half years.
The study indicated that there is more about the relationship between the food environment and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, so the researchers recommended the need to limit the spread of fast food restaurants because it affects the health of the population within the region, which is characterized by the abundance of this type of food, and increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. .
People develop type 2 diabetes, where the fat, liver, and muscle cells do not respond properly to the hormone insulin, and this is called insulin resistance, and as a result, blood sugar does not reach these cells to be stored for energy.