A new study revealed that the Corona virus may behave differently depending on the time of day and daily body rhythms, which indicates that the results of the Corona test may vary based on the time of day, according to a report by the site “ healthsiteThe study, led by researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the US, found a more accurate positive test result when the test was taken in the middle of the day than at night.
Corona test results at night and during the day
According to the study published in the journal Biological Rhythms However, the viral load of a corona patient is lower after 8 pm, and therefore there is a greater chance of a false negative result when the test is taken at night. due to a negative test result.
Corona virus is more active during the day
The coronavirus is thought to function differently in the body based on our natural circadian rhythm, and the new study supports this hypothesis, noting that the virus’s release is most active in the middle of the day due to the modulation of the immune system by our circadian clock.
Carl Johnson, a professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt, said, “Having a corona test at the optimal time of day improves the sensitivity of the test and will help us to be accurate in diagnosing people who may be infected but who do not have symptoms.”
Detecting the peak time of the virus appears to be in the afternoon is very important, as patients are more likely to interact with others or seek medical care at this time, which may increase the likelihood of transmission of the virus in hospitals, however, researchers note that there is a need Further research is required to confirm the diurnal nature of the virus.