In her thirties, the life of Fatima Murad, a young pharmacist, was taking its normal course until she received her biggest shock and was surprised that she had salivary gland cancer. The shock did not lose her ability to love and cling to life, so she decided to confront the disease with patience and confidence. She underwent four surgeries and successfully recovered from cancer, but she faced another problem due to the bullying of her voice, which changed after multiple surgeries.
“Fatima” found herself facing another battle, and as she defeated cancer and faced it, she faced bullying and with the strength she gained from her battle, she decided to follow her passion for beauty and skin care and help girls maintain their beauty no matter the circumstances.
Pharmacist bullied
A long journey that 35-year-old “Fatima” made to become inspiring and influential for many girls interested in beauty, and she says to “The Seventh Day”:I died of salivary gland cancer and went through a very difficult stage in my treatment journey because I was in a late stage of the disease, so that God blessed me with recovery, but unfortunately my voice was affected, which exposed me to bullying from people on social media..
Fatima Murad Pharmacist
She continued, “I was very passionate about ideas about skin and hair care, and because of my studies in pharmacy, I felt that I had information that I could share with girls and benefit them, so I decided to make videos about skin and hair care to be a living example for girls and a role model in how to combat disease and take care of beauty, whatever the circumstances.”
Thanks to the encouragement of those around me and their farewell to me and their faith in me andDespite being bullied and criticized for my tone of voice, which changed due to my illness, I was able to face life and people and accept the affliction of disease with a smile, and I was able to reach the hearts of millions through “social media.”.”
Fatma Murad had salivary gland cancer
On those who supported her in life, “Fatima” said: “Praise be to God, the videos were the reason for my reaching people and getting words of support from them. After I was bullied, I got a lot of admiration from everyone, and I constantly received positive comments for the optimism and love for life that they broadcast.”She ends her speech: I always receive messages of encouragement from my followers and that I am inspiring them and give them hope and confidence in themselves that they can solve their problems and these messages had a very big and clear role in my life.