Many eagerly followed the episodes of the “Hatta Min Al Qamar” story, which is broadcast within the stories of the series “Zay Al Qamar”, which talks about bullying and harassment faced by girls with facial marks, and the dramatic work was able to achieve great success, as many social media followers praised it, Madiha Kamal was affected by the story of “Hatta Min Al Qamar”, and she expressed her solidarity with the birthmarks’ owners by doing makeup that resembles the birthmark of the series’ heroine.
Another photo of Madiha
Madiha Kamal, a third year student at the Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University, spoke about her tendency to make the heroine of “Hatta Min Al Qamar”, as she said during her speech to “The Seventh Day”: “I learned to draw with makeup from videos on YouTube, and I began to develop from my official And now I have done three years of drawing with make-up, and I worked as a make-up artist for theatrical works, and soon I will be working in a cinema.
She continued, “I thought about doing the makeup of the heroine of the story Hatta from the Moon, because I wanted to participate in supporting people with birthmarks, and explained to them, uh, we see them as beautiful.”
Madiha with makeup from the moon
Madiha faced some difficulties during the birthmark of the heroine of the story “Hatta Min Al Qamar”, which she talked about, saying: “I was keen to draw the birthmark in a very professional way, because myself people know me more through the makeup of “Hatta Min Al Qamar”, far from the horror makeup that I used to do. The last period, because the makeup of the birthmark required me to focus a little.”
Madiha published a set of pictures of her wearing the makeup of a personal story, “Hatta from the Moon”, and received positive reactions to “Photography”, where she said: “People were happy with the photoshoot that I published for myself while I was a make-up worker and a birthmark” even from the moon”, and they asked me if it was This is a real birthmark and no makeup, and they encouraged me because I help and support people, and this is not the first time I work for a cause in which I support a specific cause, before that I did vitiligo makeup, and thank God, it was successful on social media.
Madiha Kamal
Madiha dreams of achieving more of her dreams on the ground, as she said: “I myself work in more theater and cinema, and I have a special place for my work and a workshop where I teach people how to paint with makeup at nominal prices, far from using some workshops.”