The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, disputed last summer (boreal) behind closed doors because of the pandemic, cost the equivalent of 12,750 million dollars, which is a little less than the previous estimate, according to the last calculation of the organizers announced in the Japanese capital.
The bill for the double planetary sporting event, which had to be postponed for a year due to Covid-19, is thus estimated at 1.46 trillion yen, according to this official estimate presented this Wednesday, a cost lower than the 1.64 trillion yen cited in December 2020.
In any case, it represents almost double the 734,000 million yen initially foreseen by the candidacy of Such in 2013.
The cost of the Games could be reduced thanks to several measures to simplify the event and what was saved with the almost absence of spectators in the venues, according to the organizers in a statement.
But closed doors deprived Tokyo 2020 of about 90,000 million yen in ticket sales.
The organization of Tokyo Olympics has been affected since the designation of the Japanese capital as the Olympic venue in 2013 by a series of controversies regarding its cost.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games, postponed for a year in March 2020, were finally held between July and September 2021 despite the opposition of the majority of the Japanese, reflected in different polls, while the country was experiencing the apogee of the pandemic.
The Japanese Olympic and Paralympic athletes achieved a total of 58 medals, of which 27 were gold, which was the largest metal harvest in the country’s history.