Bob Saget, actor and comedian best known as the jovial father of television comedy Full House (also known as Three by Three in Mexico), was found dead in a hotel room in Orlando, Florida, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter on Sunday.
“Earlier today, officers were summoned to the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes, for a call about an unconscious man in a hotel room. The man was identified as Robert Saget and pronounced deceased instead. Detectives found no signs of crime or crime. drug use, “the Orange County Sheriff’s Office tweeted from its verified account.
Saget, 65, had performed at a comedy show in Florida on Saturday night and tweeted his thanks to the audience.
“I loved the show tonight … I had no idea I did a 2 hour set,” he wrote on Twitter, urging fans to stay tuned for the upcoming tour dates this year.
The American actor played widowed father Danny Tanner on the television series Full House, from 1987 to 1995, and also in a sequel called Fuller House, from 2016 to 2020. He was also a presenter for America’s Funniest Home Videos, from 1989 to 1997.
The actor leaves his wife Kelly Rizzo and three children.
“Bob Saget was a beloved and boundary-pushing comedian. He will be missed,” tweeted the official Comedy Central account.