What we know about Ómicron is that it lodges in the mouth and in the upper part of the respiratory tract, making it more contagious.
Finally the third wave of covid arrived, everyone warned us about the contagious danger of Ómicron, we did not understand; as always the authorities took it lightly and citizens gave free rein to holidays and family gatherings in December. Such for which.
Neither citizens nor authorities take Ómicron seriously, the result is historical levels of infected, at a rate of 30,000 per day.
Although the new strain is more contagious, it is less lethal, the number of deaths and hospitalizations remains low. The vaccine is doing its job.
Even with the reluctance of the authorities to carry out tests for the detection of covid, there are endless lines of people in kiosks, laboratories and pharmacies, unlike the tragic January of last year, where the line was to get oxygen tanks.
In that year, the relatives of the infected or they themselves suffered an odyssey to get vital oxygen.
What we know about Ómicron is that it lodges in the mouth and in the upper part of the respiratory tract, which is why it is more contagious; This new strain has a shorter time for the appearance of symptoms (between four and six); has a shorter recovery time (10 days) and; What is more important causes less severe and critical conditions for those infected.
For now, the danger lies with the unvaccinated, who are more vulnerable to severe infection and, according to specialists, are the breeding ground for the virus mutation.
In this endless novel called covid, Ómicron’s characteristics appear as a possibility to obtain herd immunity.
Many infected with mild symptoms, the vaccine is undoubtedly allowing us to face the virus with more strength. And besides, there is already a cure, recently approved by H. Cofepris.
On the other side of the coin, there are the new variables, the Delta-cron and the one that follows, the ghost of the mutation threatens the new normal.
Dear reader, my heart hopes that the Ómicron will be the bridge to the normality of yesteryear, as bad, ugly and cute as it is endearing. Ah, what times are those when you could go to dinner without looking suspiciously at someone who cleared his throat with a good mezcal. Until the next dear reader, I’m nostalgic.
Twitter: @ErosalesA
The usual
Political scientist and lawyer, academic, columnist, president of citizens without a party and proud Mexican.