Peru became the first potato producer in Latin America, with a production of 5.7 million tons of the Andean tuber registered in 2021, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri), within the framework of the “National Day of the Pope” that was celebrated this May 30.
He pointed out that Peru leads the Latin American continent in potato production, surpassing countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. Meanwhile, worldwide, Peru ranks 16th in terms of production, led by China, followed by Belarus, Poland, Kazakhstan, Holland, Germany, among others.
In 2021, potato production involved a harvested area of 330,790 hectares and a higher average yield of 17.1 tons/hectare, generating more than 110,000 permanent jobs. The Gross Value of Potato Production as of December last year reached S/5,525 million (1,505 million dollars).
Potato cultivation at the national level is produced by 711,313 families distributed in 19 regions, the agricultural areas with the highest production being Puno, Huánuco, Cusco, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Junín, among others. Production is concentrated primarily in the departments of the mountains by 90%, highlighting the group of native potatoes.
The cultivation of the Andean tuber has become a notable driver of the regional and local economy in the producing areas, generating, in 2021, more than 26 million work days.
Potatoes for commercial use (yellow, white, cancha, huamantanga, etc.) are planted from 200 meters above sea level, while native potatoes are grown above 3,000 meters up to 4,200 meters above sea level, where they do not thrive. no other crops. Midagri announced that last year the export of by-products based on yellow potatoes increased, reaching 350 tons, while native potato chips reached 468 tons, with the main destination markets being Europe and the United States.
The native potato processed products are: colored pulp chips, vodka, medicinal alcohol, puree, bakery products, among others.
Regarding the volume of potato imports, these represent 0.45% of national production, as revealed by the figures obtained last year when 25,706 tons were registered, mainly the type of precooked potato (Netherlands and Belgium), which is in demand of the chicken shops. 98% is offered by the Peruvian potato. The product is consumed by people of different ages due to its great versatility and easy digestibility.
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