Lwill Europe be able to redefine its place in the global geopolitical order? With the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the rise of tensions with China, circumstances oblige him to do so, but hesitations surface.
Let’s say it right away: we must maintain the link with the United States, but on condition that we gain in autonomy and get out of the selfishness and arrogance that too often characterize the Atlantic and Western discourse vis-à-vis the rest of the world. Europe has never been so rich. It has more than ever the means and the historical duty to promote another model of development and sharing of wealth, more democratic, more egalitarian and more sustainable. Otherwise, the new Western alliance will convince no one in its self-proclaimed crusade against autocracies and the evil empire.
With the United States, Europe certainly shares a comparable experience of parliamentary democracy, electoral pluralism and a certain form of rule of law, which is not nothing. This may justify staying in NATO, insofar as this alliance contributes to defending this model. In this case, electoral pluralism is much more solidly established in Ukraine than in Russia, and moreover it is unacceptable to allow a more powerful country to invade its neighbor and destroy its State without reacting.
The discussion on borders must not be excluded a priori, but must take place within the framework of the rule of law and on the basis of the dual principle of self-determination and fair and balanced development of the regions concerned (which may exclude the secession of the richest; this is not the case here).
As long as NATO members defend clear principles, then it is justified to support the Ukrainians militarily against invasion and destruction, and even to provide greater support than at present.
archaic institutions
It is also essential to explicitly recognize the limits of the Western democratic model and to work to overcome them. For example, we must fight for international justice that makes it possible to implicate the Russian military and their leaders for war crimes, on the condition of constantly recalling that the same rules should also apply to all countries, including safe for the US military and their actions in Iraq and elsewhere. The principles of democracy and the rule of law must prevail everywhere and all the time.
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