Medical organizations deplored the arrest of Fernando Agustín Villalobos, an intern at the ISSSTE Regional Hospital on October 1, who was detained by authorities on Tuesday due to the alleged extraction of material from the health institution (syringes and some blood samples). .
Through a statement, Doctors in training, the Mexican Association of Physicians in Training and the Mexican Assembly of Undergraduate Physicians They also requested that objective criteria and clear mechanisms be established to prevent these situations from recurring.
“Fernando, 25, a medical student, has so far spent more than 14 hours in detention at the PGR Tacubaya for simply carrying out his duties on a regular basis,” the organizations indicated.
They explained that during the medical internship, one of the functions of the internal doctors is to take samples from the vast majority of patients, a situation that has led them to carry at all times between their gowns and backpack-type backpacks, material to be able to comply with with these “obligations” imposed on health centers.
The carrying of supplies is for use within the hospital and for hospital patients,” they added.
The NGOs added that they will not allow violating the rights of doctorsnor that studying medicine represents a risk to their integrity and/or their life.
In an expert report, the organizations requested: the immediate release of Fernando Agustín Villalobos Ramírez and withdrawal of charges, the clarification of the facts by official means and full reparation for the damages suffered by our colleague Fernando Agustín Villalobos Ramírez, the establishment of processes and protocols by the academic institutions of higher education and the clinical centers in which we carry out the internship in order to prevent this type of situation from repeating itself.
They also asked the educational authorities of the National Polytechnic Institute (CICS UMA) for an official statement expressing their position on the events that occurred.
Lastly, they asked the authorities responsible for the Regional Hospital October 1 an official statement expressing their position on the events that have occurred.
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