In order to overcome the gap in economic participation between women and men, strategies must be generated “around access to childcare, flexible working hours and Reduction of the working day”, pointed out the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).
It is Monday, the organism presented the Diagnostic study of the right to work 2022. The analysis identifies the conditions that currently determine access to employment and proposes ways to guarantee it “in a changing context” caused by the labor reform, the covid-19 pandemic and “the deepening” of gender gaps and labor informality.
El Coneval highlights several achievements in labor matters of the current administration. However, he points out that informality remains perhaps the biggest challenge. “Only between 2009 and 2020, labor informality in Mexico has registered percentages close to 60% of the employed population,” he highlights.
Los informal jobs they are mainly occupied by day laborers (87%), population with less education (80%), older adults (76%) and young people (59%).
To remedy this situation, the agency recommends “a comprehensive policy” that pays attention to all informal workersbut with a special focus “on the groups and sectors most affected by informality”.
Last October, more than 32.4 million people worked informally, that is, 55.4% of the employed population, according to the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE).
The consequences of have a casual job in Mexico they range from the lack of social security, little job stability and, in the absence of surveillance, less probability of having legal benefits and labor flexibility. On the other hand, more possibilities of having low wages and longer working hours.
According to the results of the ENOE, women have a greater labor informality rate That men. By last October, 55% of them were employed in an informal job, and 56% of the workers were in that condition.
The benefit of shorter days
The lack of support for unpaid care and household work and “restricted access to nurseries” prevent the total or partial labor participation of women, says Coneval.
The access to nurseries it is a right guaranteed in the Social Security Law (LSS), clarifies the agency. However, in Mexico, access to social security continues to be closely linked to formal employment.
It is necessary, adds Coneval in the document, “to reduce the unequal division of care work” through, for example, awareness campaigns. “In addition, it is necessary to address this problem for informal workers or those available to work.”
However, while these measures are necessary, they are also insufficient “to enable greater economic participation.” These strategies must be accompanied “by the Reduction of the working day and the flexibility of working time in favor of the workers, without implying loss of income, are necessary to favor the work of women”.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) and the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and other bodies could coordinate this strategy, he proposes. The STPS could “generate spaces to discuss different alternatives for reducing the working day and flexible schedules that improve the balance between work and family.
While the National Women’s Institute (Inmujeres) and the Welfare Secretariat, adds the agency, could participate “to adopt measures to guarantee access to childcare service for the daughters and sons of women who work or are willing to do so”.
Currently in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies there are initiatives to reduce the working day. Although in reality the projects do not have a gender focus, lowering the number of mandatory days or the weekly hours that must be worked could help women, according to what was exposed by Coneval.
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