Comparable sales of members of the National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores (ANTAD) recorded a nominal growth of 10.6% during 2022while the investment executed was 1,750 million dollars, 2.9% higher than its projection of 1.7 billion dollars; however, it continues below the levels registered before the pandemic, which even exceeded 3,000 million dollars.
It should be remembered that in 2021 sales to equal stores of affiliates to the ANTAD they grew 13%, while in 2020 there was a 5.1% drop, caused by the confinement and temporary closure of stores due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, the growth that ANTAD had been registering was 3.4% in 2019 and 5% in 2018.
For this 2023, ANTAD foresees a nominal growth to same stores of 5.2% and an investment of its partners of 1,800 million dollars.
At a press conference, Vicente Yáñez, president of the ANTADpointed out that investments go where they find better conditions.
“Countries compete to attract these investments. I hope that in Mexico, for example, nearshoring will be used. But for example there is the issue of energy. Mexico needs to generate public policies that make it attractive for investment. That they resolve issues such as energy. What investors ask a lot is precisely the issue of energy security. Consumers in the world are no longer only buying the product for what the product or the price is, but the new generations are distinguishing who does it with clean energy and who does not. We need to have an adequate supply in clean energy. It is the big issue that is stopping investments.”
For his part, Juan Pablo Flores, manager of Economic Studies at the ANTADreplied that if the growth of 10.6% in 2022 is compared to the projection of 5.6% for this 2023, there is a marked slowdown, but this is because it is an estimate.
“If there is a downward adjustment, the projections are built based on the information available at the time. For example, a slowdown in the growth of the economy; second, inflation, which continues to be high. In addition, we conducted a survey with associates. The projection is adjusted as the year progresses.
The total sales of the partners of the ANTAD they amounted to 1 trillion 434,000 million pesos in 2022. By type of store, Self-service registered a nominal growth of 10.2%; Departmental, 11.9% and Specialized, 9.3 percent.
“In real terms, a pre-pandemic level has not been achieved. In nominal terms, it has already been achieved. Nothing else is very important to highlight that we had very high inflation in 2022 and the results we are giving are in nominal terms, ”explained Flores.
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