MIDDLEBURY, Vt. (WCAX) – Rain Thursday night swelled rivers, causing flooding in parts of Addison County.
Three people were pulled from the roof of a car in Middlebury after the driver reportedly tried to go through high water on Bridge Road and the vehicle was swept away. The rescue was performed by Colchester Technical Rescue.
Several roads in Middlebury and surrounding Addison County are now closed including Route 116 between Quarry and Cady Roads.
Seymour St. was completely submerged and impassable but is now clear and back open.
In the latest updates, U.S. Route 7 at 3-Mile Bridge had reportedly reopened after closing because of flooding.
VT-125 in Hancock has closed between VT-100 and Tucker Brook Road because of a mudslide in both lanes.
Route 100 in Rochester is closed just north of Quarry Hill Road.
Please follow road signs advising of closures, to check on road closures in you’re area, visit the 5-1-1 website.
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