Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are still a bit mysterious to many people. In this way, you can do easy trading. You can learn how it works and get started by reading ebooks about it. These ebooks can help you understand what Bitcoin is, why it’s important, and even how to manage your digital currency. If you want to trade in bitcoin, then you can use Bitcoin Boom.
Cryptocurrency is a growing industry with many different types of currencies. Some people are using cryptocurrency to buy goods and services, while others are investing in it as a way to make money. Using an ebook to learn about cryptocurrency can be a great way to get started.
The Bitcoin Standard
The Bitcoin Standard is a book by Saifedean Ammous that explores the importance of Bitcoin as a store of value, payment system, unit of account, and medium of exchange. The author aims to dispel myths about bitcoin, such as “Bitcoin is not money” or “bitcoin cannot be used as money because it has no intrinsic value,” by using history to demonstrate how these statements are false.
The book starts with an overview of money’s history and then continues to explain how Bitcoin fits into this history. It also outlines the properties that make something money (store-of-value being one) before exploring what makes Bitcoin valuable compared to other forms of money (i.e., fiat currency).
Mastering Bitcoin, 2nd Edition
Mastering Bitcoin is a book on cryptocurrency from Andreas M. Antonopoulos. It’s composed of two volumes and was initially published in 2014, though the second Edition was released in 2017. The author is a tech entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience writing about cryptocurrencies and how they work.
Mastering Bitcoin explores how bitcoin works, what a blockchain is, and how you can use it to buy, sell, store, and trade bitcoins for profit, as well as use them to make payments online or at retail stores.
Antonopoulos also explains how altcoins differ from bitcoin and why there are so many different types available today (more than 1400 at last count). He even goes over some basic coding language so that readers can get started with their projects down the road if they choose to do so!
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction, 1st Edition
This book is the first to provide a comprehensive introduction to the technical foundations of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, emphasising security. Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, and Edward Felten are computer science professors at Princeton University, and Andrew Miller is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The first Edition was published in 2016 and has been updated to include the latest developments in this space.
Digital Gold
Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money, by Nathaniel Popper. This book covers the history of bitcoin and how it was created. It also goes over some of the people involved in its creation, as well as those involved in some of its early days.
The Internet of Money
The Internet of Money is the Bitcoin, and the Blockchain book by Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a book that covers bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and the blockchain. It’s available on Amazon, Google Play Books, iBooks, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. It’s also available as an audiobook from Audible.
This book is not only helpful if you want to learn about cryptocurrency but also gives an insightful view into how technology can change our lives in general. If you know a bit about cryptocurrencies, this book could be used as a reference guide or refresher course. The author makes sure, where ever possible, he refers back to previous chapters, so even if you don’t remember everything that has been discussed earlier in detail, it won’t make
These are just a few books you can try. You can also check out your local library for more titles on cryptocurrency or search online for ebooks that are available for free online reading. If you want more information about cryptocurrencies, there are plenty of ways to learn. If you’re looking to learn more about cryptocurrency, any of these books would be a great place to start. They’re all easy enough to read and have a lot of helpful information!