American actress Angelina Jolie said on her official Instagram account, “This is the deliberate bombing of a besieged population who have nowhere to flee.”
She added in a post that she accompanied with a picture of the devastation caused by the Israeli raids on the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, “Gaza has been an open prison for nearly two decades, and is rapidly turning into a mass grave. 40% of the dead are innocent children. Entire families.” “You get killed.”
She continued, “As the world watches and with the active support of many governments, millions of Palestinian civilians – children, women and families – are being subjected to collective punishment and dehumanization, all while being deprived of food, medicine and humanitarian aid, which is contrary to international law. By rejecting the claim “By providing a humanitarian ceasefire and preventing the UN Security Council from imposing a ceasefire on both sides, world leaders are complicit in these crimes.”
The post achieved widespread interaction among the American star’s followers, exceeding 2 million likes, and a number of celebrities from the Arab world commented on Jolie’s message. Lebanese broadcaster Joelle Mardinian wrote, “Thank you for telling the truth about this massacre in Palestine.”
Jolie also published information about Jabalia refugee camp, the largest in the Gaza Strip out of eight camps, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).
Jolie, who holds the position of Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, explained, “After the 1948 war, a number of Palestinian refugees settled in the camp, after being displaced from villages in southern Palestine. The camp covers an area of 1.4 square kilometers, and 116,011 Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA live in it.” .
For her part, Tunisian actress Hend Sabry commented, “Thank you,” while Tunisian actress Dorra Zarrouk commented, “Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless. Thank you for speaking the truth about this genocide.”
The majority of comments called for stopping the aggression against the Gaza Strip to protect civilians in the Gaza Strip.
Yesterday, Wednesday, the Israeli occupation army committed a new massacre in the Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza, the second of its kind in less than 24 hours, after it completely destroyed, last Tuesday, a residential square near the Indonesian hospital, leaving about 400 dead and wounded. Most of them are children.