1. In the space provided place a three letter word which can be attached to the beginning of the given words to form six longer words.
What is the three letter word?
Which three-letter word which can be attached to the beginning of the given words to form six longer words?
2. What numbers should replace the question marks in the fourth triangle?
The logic puzzles are able to deduce what your IQ is compared to the rest of the population: What numbers should replace the question marks in the fourth triangle in this puzzle?
3. What letter should appear next in this sequence?
C H K P S ?
4. Rearrange the letters of TINSEL to give four other words. What are they?
5. What have the following words got in common?
6. If RM = 5, XK = 13 and JC = 7, what does SP=?
7. In a supermarket, the first 25 customers of the day purchased an average of two items each. After a further 15 customers, the average number of items purchased by each customer rose to eight.
What was the average number of items purchased by the last 15 customers only?
8. Replace the blanks in this sentence with two words. The same nine letters must be used for both words. What are the words?
The employee’s actions BLANK BLANK until he was caught on a security camera.
9. Replace the vowels in each group of letters to form six connected words. What are the words?
10. On each row place a letter that can be substituted for the second letter of the words either side. When completed a word will be read downwards.
What is it?
On each row place a letter that can be substituted for the second letter of the words either side. When completed a word will be read downwards
11. Use the letters given to complete the star so that two five-letter words, one four-letter word and two words of two letters can be read.
What are the words?
Use the letters A C E I M N S S U given to complete the star so that two five-letter words, one four-letter word and two words of two letters can be read
12. What number is missing from the following sequence?
4 9 16 25 ? 49 64 81
13. In each of the following what number should replace the question mark?
In each of the following puzzles, what number should replace the question mark?
14. Rearrange the letters of UPRIGHT PARANOIA to give three musical instruments. What are they?
15. Find a word to fit the first clue. Add one letter to this word to give a word to fit the second clue. Add another letter to give the word to fit the third clue and finally another letter to give a word to fit the fourth clue. What are the four words?
16. On each row place a word to fit the clue given, if the correct words are chosen a word will be read down the shaded column. What is it?
On each row place a word to fit the clue given, if the correct words are chosen a word will be read down the shaded column
17. What number should replace the question mark?
By looking at the other squares, can you work out what number is missing?
18. Vincent lives at house number 106, Claire lives at number 151 and Olivia lives at number 57.
Does house number 60 belong to Alan or Alex?
For Rearrange the letters of DUE CROP to give a word with a similar meaning. What is it?
19. For each of the following find a word beginning with H that has an opposite meaning to the given word.
a) Clear
b) Resolute
c) Welcoming
20. Replace the blanks in the following sentence with two five-letter words. The same five letters must be used for both words. What are the words?
The BLANK told his class that he had been BLANK fishing during the holiday.
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