A flight attendant has revealed why using airplane-provided toilet paper is the worst thing you can do – and how to remedy the situation when you’re in a fix.
Cierra Mistt, who works for an American airline, regularly shares travel tips and tricks she’s gathered after working in the industry for almost three years – including some shocking hygiene facts.
The airhostess admitted that airplane bathrooms typically have poor quality toilet paper that will rip and dissolve upon contact.
‘When you go to the bathroom on a plane, don’t use toilet paper,’ she warned. ‘Instead, use the paper towels. It’s higher quality and it won’t rip or dissolve like the toilet paper will.’
Though using paper towels or other, thicker toilet paper substitutes could cause the toilet to clog up.
Cierra Mistt [pictured], who works for an American airline, regularly shares travel tips and tricks she’s gathered after working in the industry for almost three years
Cierra also shared a longer list of things passengers should know that flight attendants and pilots don’t
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