Chronic inflammation can cause some serious damage to your cells and tissues and may increase your risk of rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. Although acute inflammation, which usually stays in the body for a short time, is caused by factors such as infection and injury, Chronic infection can be the result of poor lifestyle choices such as cigarette smoking, obesity, and a constant state of stress.
Your eating habits play a big role in causing inflammation, and when it comes to eating habits, there are many options that may contribute to this health condition. If you are trying to reduce chronic inflammation, here are 10 eating habits that you should avoid, according to the websiteeat this“, Such as:
1- Protein foods:
Don’t rely on meat and chicken only for protein, fish and shellfish should be in rotation to get nutrients that fight inflammation, if you are a seafood lover, it may help you control chronic inflammation in your body, thanks to the acids The omega-3 fatty acids that these foods contain.
2- Eat white bread:
Eating refined starches with white bread can rapidly alter glucose and insulin levels in the blood, thus increasing the production of pro-inflammatory factors. Refined white bread can be replaced by choosing whole grains to help reduce inflammation in your body.
3- Drink soda:
Soda-containing beverages are associated with increased inflammation, as they contain high-fructose ingredients that are full of sugars.
4- Drink flavored milk
Drinking milk may contribute to increased inflammation if you choose a flavored beverage (such as chocolate or vanilla) if the variety you choose is flavored with sugar, as sugar can promote inflammation within the body.
5- Eat fast food:
Eating fast food may increase your inflammation, a study published in the journal ,Cell A diet rich in junk food choices triggers an inflammatory response and can damage your immune system .
6- Eating processed meat:
Processed meat contains reducing sugars and when it reacts with proteins under high heat, it produces compounds (AGEsAs an ingredient that may cause inflammation in the body, it is best to choose fresh, less processed meat options to fuel your body.
7 – candy
Eating a lot of candy can increase inflammation, due to sugar, whether it’s candy, cookies, or other sweets, eating large amounts of sugar can promote inflammation in healthy adults. .
8- Use of artificial sweeteners:
Eating a lot of sugar can contribute to infections, in a study published in Nature The results showed that eating artificial sweeteners can reduce the amount of “good bacteria” in the gut that help release anti-inflammatory compounds..
9 – Forgetting to eat enough fruits or vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are full of natural compounds that help support the health and wellness of our bodies, and when it comes to fighting inflammation, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables may actually help reduce this effect. .
10- Fried foods
If you prefer chicken and french fries, you may inadvertently contribute to higher levels of inflammation.