The American President announced joe biden The first high-speed train line in the United States will open in 2028 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles before the Olympic Games.
Biden said during his tour in Las Vegas (in the state of Nevada), “We are building the first high-speed train line in the history of our country. And it starts here.”
This high-speed train, which will connect Los Angeles, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada, reduces the current journey time to just over two hours, while the car journey takes twice this time. This train is supposed to transport 11 million passengers annually.
The project was called “Bright Line West”, after the private company that was commissioned to build it and operate the trains. It will receive funding of $3 billion from Biden’s grand infrastructure investment plan approved in 2021.
The project would serve the environment because this future train line would save 3 million vehicles from the highway, according to Biden. It would also be good for “good-paying” jobs, a promise that comes less than a year before the presidential election.
Biden provided details about other modernization projects that will receive funding, a total of 10 projects worth $8.2 billion.
In his speech, Biden promised that the railways that were built in America decades ago made the country strong commercially and strong in invention at the world level. They were also credited with uniting the country and building the strongest economy in history, but with the passage of time America lagged while others advanced in the field of railways. Iron.
He stressed, “We are engaged in an economic competition in the 21st century,” adding, “China has had trains running at 220 miles per hour for some time.”
He asked, “How can we be the best economy without having the best infrastructure in the world?”, saying, “This is what we will do.”