Insomnia and the inability to sleep are disturbing conditions that affect the various tasks of your life, your energy levels, and your ability to work, walk and practice all activities normally, so it is necessary to overcome this problem by abandoning some of the wrong habits that may lead to this, the most important of which are caffeine drinks. Especially the coffee.
A report published on the Express website indicated that you must replace your evening coffee with another drink, before going to bed, as you can have chamomile tea, which is your best option if you decide to overcome sleep problems.
Coffee inhibits the release of melatonin in the brain, the hormone that tells us to fall asleep, so you should replace it with chamomile tea, as it contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain, which may promote sleepiness, reduce insomnia and reduce anxiety levels.
Experts recommended eliminating caffeine, which is present in these drinks and foods such as tea, some soft drinks, chocolate and energy drinks.
In addition, experts also advised that you should avoid naps during the day, and make sure that your bedroom is not too warm, while practicing yoga exercises to overcome sleep problems and insomnia.