The demand currently generated by the growing consumption of mezcal worldwide has made all the producing companies look for a responsible way to meet the demand, without damaging the ecosystem that provides it. Every day more companies join this responsible awareness in order to care for the environment and have supplies in the future.
Recently Mezcal El Recuerdo, a pioneer in conscious agave cultivation, which is grown from seed, instead of planting small plants genetically identical to the mother, received recognition as the best agave producer 2022, for promoting biodiversity and ensure the health of various agave species.
“We are a 100% Mexican company, committed to excellence and responsibility in the production of our mezcals. We know that this recognition brings with it an enormous responsibility to continue contributing to the knowledge and enjoyment of Oaxacan mezcals around the world,” commented Adriana Alducin, brand manager at El Recuerdo Mezcal, about the conservation of the region’s groundwater tables. From Oaxaca.
The previous mention was given thanks to the pillars of responsible production that the company has, in its Green Method program. Among which stand out:
Water treatment, with a wastewater treatment system, using two biological methods, and rainwater harvesting, this type of project contributes to the conservation of the region’s groundwater tables, since the water required in the processes of the MCA Distillery during the rainy season decreases its extraction from the subsoil, having a lower impact on the hydrological region.
“The technology of our wastewater treatment system allows us to reuse treated wastewater to irrigate 9,500 m2 of gardens and 45,000 m2 of Agave fields from the MCA Distillery, reusing 100% of the treated water,” Adriana added. Alduction.
What do you think has been the key to the success of your strategies/initiatives?
Consistency in our strategies. Constantly working hand in hand with our distributors and business partners knowing how to listen to the needs of the consumer. We seek excellence in all our initiatives and we are committed to putting Mexico on the world map with our mezcales.
What do we expect from Mezcal El Recuerdo for next year?
Recuerdo Mezcal is a source of pride for Mexico and one of the best sellers in its category. It is an evocation, a commemoration and, of course, a souvenir from Oaxaca.
Recuerdo Mezcal is the essence of a vibrant and colorful Oaxaca; it’s attitude, character and pride in one bottle. Consolidate our presence in Mexico and continue crossing borders with our business partners. To be the preferred mezcal by nationals and foreigners and a world reference when thinking about mezcal.
We want to continue working on inviting society to join the cause in our different procurement programs, such as the Big Day; you impact the life of a child with complex disease. We will continue to invite individual donors with small donations, which is what you later spend on a coffee or two, you can help families who could not afford these treatments without the existence of these programs. Data from Coneval show that 52% live below the welfare line. Right now we are also working on a tracking of 1 and 2, we have solar heaters, we implement water savers as well as recycling, and we have an orchard in which all the children can grow fruits and vegetables for their own consumption in all our facilities.
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