The Ninth Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters of the First Circuit granted an injunction to the former Secretary of Social Development, Rosario Robles Berlangawhich opens the possibility of the dismissal of the criminal process initiated by the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) by the case of the call “Master swindler”.
“Moment in which my lawyers inform me that the ninth collegiate court granted me an amparo (one more) that forces the judge to take into account elements presented by the defense to dismiss my case,” said Rosario Robles.
The decision of the Ninth Collegiate Court obliges a control judge to call a hearing where he analyzes the arguments of Rosario Robles and eventually can determine the dismissal of the criminal case against him for the crime of improper exercise of public service by omission in the case of the so-called “Master Scam”.
In said hearing, the judge must determine if the act of omission of which the General Prosecutor of the Republic accuses Rosario Robles, is it a criminal offense or just an administrative matter.
On August 19, 2022, after spend three years in prisonRosario Robles Berlanga was released from the Santa Martha Acatitla prison by order of Judge Ganther Alejandro Villar Ceballos, who determined the change of precautionary measure from preventive detention to conditional release.
An investigation by the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) revealed 27 irregular agreements entered into by the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development with public universities, for an amount of 5,073 million pesos, for acquisitions of services of whose execution could not be verified, a case known as the Master Scam.
the FGR accused Robles of improper use of 5,073 million 358,846 pesosfor acts of action or omission in the celebration of 27 irregular agreements with public universities, which he allegedly did not report to his then hierarchical superior: President Enrique Peña Nieto.
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