Not only bananas, banana peels have many health benefits and help in solving many daily problems, from reducing acne to whitening teeth, especially as they are rich in vitamins B6 AndB12 magnesium and potassium, according to a website report.Healthline“.
Here are the most important health benefits of banana peels:
Teeth whitening
Rubbing a banana peel on your teeth for a minute a day for a week can help in getting shiny teeth, because it is rich in potassium and magnesium that are beneficial to the enamel of the teeth and whiten.
Relieve pain
Banana peels are rich in bioactive compounds and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce body aches.
Acne Treatment
Rub a banana peel on your face and notice the difference within a week, as it helps reduce skin inflammation and is rich in phenols that contain antimicrobials to treat pimples and acne.
good for digestion
Banana peel is rich in fiber and can help regulate the functioning of the digestive system if eaten regularly. It is also useful for treating constipation and diarrhea as well..
Reduce wrinkles
Banana peels are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps maintain the elasticity of the skin and thus reduces the appearance of wrinkles.