Delayed menstruation is a sign of pregnancy, but to what extent can the period be delayed before or do you know that you are pregnant? .. The report published on the website “” medicinenet“, which confirmed that the normal period comes between 24 to 38 days, and when a woman is seven days late, she may be pregnant.
The report indicated, that the menstrual cycle is the period from the first day of your period to the day before the start of the next cycle, and the average cycle is 28 days, with a pattern similar to the following:
Day 1: The tissue lining the uterus breaks down and leaves your body through the vagina. This bleeding is your period, and lasts 4 to 8 days for most women..
Day 8: The lining of the uterus begins to build up again to be ready to nourish the fertilized egg, and your body does this every month to prepare for a possible pregnancy.
Day 14, an egg is released from your ovary in a process known as ovulation, and you are most likely to get pregnant during this time.
Days 15 to 24, the egg travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus, and if the egg joins a sperm, the fertilized egg will stick to the lining of the uterus, and this is called implantation, which is the moment when pregnancy begins.
Day 24, if the egg does not attach to the sperm, it begins to disintegrate, and your hormone levels drop, indicating that the uterus will not need to support a pregnancy this month.
When experiencing a delay in menstruation, some symptoms that may be evidence of pregnancy appear, including:
Fatigue. During the first three months, the body produces large amounts of a hormone called progesterone, and this can make you feel sleepy. Even during the first week after pregnancy, you may feel more tired than usual..
-Discovery. Implantation bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy, as it is very light bleeding, often called “spotting”, that occurs as a result of the implantation of the fertilized egg (attachment) to the uterine wall. Implantation is usually 6 to 12 days after conception.
Breast changes. You may notice changes in your breasts as early as one to two weeks after pregnancy. Your breasts may be swollen and tender to the touch.
Headache: The rapid rise in hormones and blood flow during pregnancy can lead to a mild headache even before you miss your period.