Renata Villarreal, co-founder of the Marea Verde feminist collective network, said that despite the fact that on November 27 they would carry out a fabric in the Angel of Independence, in which different collectives seek peace and justice for the families of disappeared persons in the country, due to the march called by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will change the date of their event.
In an interview for El Economista, Renata Villarreal commented that initially they had proposed not to change the day of the event called “Blood of my blood”, because they considered that an agreement could be reached, but seeing that the National Anti-AMLO Front also called a mobilization on the same day, in the same place, they decided to move the date.
“Right now we are moving the date because of all this that is happening (the AMLO march) we are seeing what our new date will be, because as colleagues from all over the country come, it is to see if we can change tickets, stays , all that,” said the activist.
He affirmed that they want the day the tissue is exposed to be a date of healthy coexistence because said movement is a demand for peace; In addition, the fabric that they make with red raffia and that represents the blood of the violence that is experienced in Mexico, has been the result of hard work and which can be damaged if they do not have a space as they had devised from the beginning of the announcement.
On the other hand, the spokeswoman for Marea Verde expressed that the date chosen by AMLO was more a mistake than a deliberate action against the movement; but she did assure that, since it was known as a larger movement, they did not care that Marea Verde had already planned to demonstrate that day and in the same place.
In his opinion, the fact that the opposition and the ruling party show their egos to see who makes the biggest march, without caring about displacing a non-violent action carried out by various groups in search of justice and peace, is synonymous with the little importance that the authorities they give to the violence that exists in the Mexican Republic.
They use victims to campaign
Renata Villarreal considered that, in the recent femicides, the authorities are not doing justice. She mentioned that they only use the cases for political campaigning, because in her opinion justice should not be a media case.
The government should work in silence and give victims access (to justice), without the need for a public campaign. That (publicizing the cases) greatly revictimizes families and women”, he assured.
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