13 people affected by the undue payments of the sofom Sensa, agent of Fovissste for the granting of mortgage loans, filed a complaint with the Director of Legal Affairs of Fovissste, Daniel Aguilar Ojeda, in which they ask that the public housing fund for government workers “take responsibility” and “repair the expenses, damages and losses” caused by the alteration of the names of the beneficial owners in the sale and purchase operations.
“We kindly ask that, absolutely urgently, Fovissste comply with its contractual obligations, which are recorded in mutual contracts signed before a notary public. (And that) as long as the loan does not materialize, Fovissste immediately suspends the payroll deduction of mortgage loans, ”reads the letter, signed by 7 Fovissste borrowers who bought homes and have not been able to occupy them and 6 sellers who They did not receive their payments, despite the fact that they signed contracts of sale or executed the cession of the properties by means of deeds.
This newspaper published on Thursday, December 9, that 84 loan recipients from the Housing Fund of the Institute of Social Security and Services (Fovissste) had been affected by the alteration of the names of the real beneficiaries for the sale of houses through Fovissste credits. All the procedures were carried out through Sensa, a financial company that acts as Fovissste’s agent and that since the end of November began to dismantle its branches in different parts of Mexico.
The buyers, despite the fact that they have already begun to pay their loans via payroll, have not been able to take possession of the acquired homes, as the sellers refuse to vacate them until they see the corresponding deposits for the payment credited to their bank accounts.
The Deputy Director of Credit at Fovissste, Herminio Silván Lanestosa, said to The Economist On Friday, December 10, the public institution will make new payments and verify that they do reach the accounts of the real beneficiaries and that Fovissste will assume the legal and administrative process against Sensa to recover the funds, which are estimated at 68 million pesos.
None of the mortgage loans known to El Economista exceed 1.5 million pesos. The affected people are in towns such as Tijuana, Baja California; Saltillo Coahuila; Ocosingo, Chiapas; Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, and in Mexico City.
Empty offices of Sensa in Miguel Noreña 33, San José Insurgentes neighborhood, in Mexico City. Photo: The Economist
According to Silván Lanestosa’s account, from Sensa the records of beneficiaries to whom Fovissste had to make payments for the homes acquired with institution loans were altered.
“The Fovissste will take actions to pay them for their houses and with that we guarantee the legal certainty of those houses. As an institution, we are left with the legal issue, which is ultimately what will help us to resolve the issue and recover the money through various mechanisms, such as the request for bail, “Silván Lanestosa said in the interview with El Economista. .
Sensa is a financial company created in 2013 by José Alberto Cano Vélez, who was director of the Federal Mortgage Society between 2012 and 2018, during the government of Enrique Peña Nieto. Omar Bazán Flores, who was a local deputy for the PRI from September 2018 to August 2021, appears as president of the council of Sensa and Abraham Bazan Flores, as his legal representative, according to Sensa’s records in Condusef.
Sensa has its fiscal domicile at Calle Jose María Iglesias 4901, interior 1, in the Los Frailes neighborhood of the capital of Chihuahua.
In the letter of complaint presented this morning at Fovissste, the 13 affected signatories indicate that they are “in the most absolute defenselessness” and demand that Fovissste act as quickly as possible to solve the problem.