Mexico improved its position in the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index 2022 (NBI or Anholt-Ipsos Country Brand Index 2022), which this year included 60 countries.
The NBI, as noted in the corresponding report, “measures the global perception of each of the 60 nations. The selection of 60 nations for this list is based on the political and economic importance of the nations in global geopolitics and in the flow of commercial and tourist activities. Regional representation and, to some extent, diversity of political and economic systems were taken into consideration to make the study truly representative of global perceptions.”
In 2022, the Ipsos pollster interviewed 60,000 adults over the age of 18 in 20 countries, including Mexico, to determine their perception of six aspects of each of the 60 countries. These aspects are: exports, governance, culture, people, tourism, immigration and investment. The NBI is the average of the scores for each of the six, and the scores are based on a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest or best, 1 the lowest or worst, and 4 being in half, is neither positive nor negative.
The 20 countries where the survey was conducted were Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, United States, France, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia, South Africa , Sweden and Turkey.
The other 40 countries evaluated were Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Qatar, the Czech Republic, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Finland, Wales, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Kenya, Latvia, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, Tanzania, Ukraine, and Vietnam.
As usual, the top 10 places were occupied by developed economies, in descending order: Germany, Japan, Canada, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden and Australia.
The bottom 10 places were, also in descending order: Vietnam, Ecuador, Qatar, Colombia, Kenya, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Botswana and Palestine.
As I noted at the beginning of this text, in 2022 Mexico improved its position with respect to the NBI 2021 and was in 31st place, four up from 35 last year. The rating that our country obtained in 2021 was 57.45 and 57.51 in 2022.
That Mexico advanced four positions is relevant if we take into account that other countries fell in the NBI. Among them, Belgium (from 18 to 19), Iceland (from 20 to 21), China (from 31 to 33), Chile (from 39 to 40), Indonesia (from 43 to 45), United Arab Emirates (from 45 to 46), Chile (from 49 to 50), Qatar (from 50 to 53), Colombia (from 52 to 54), Saudi Arabia (from 55 to 57), Russia (from 27 to 58).
No other country advanced four positions as ours did.
Occupying 31st place in the NBI is not ideal, but it is better than being 35th. The advance indicates that around the world the image of Mexico as a brand improved from 2021 to 2022. And that is good news in times when the bad predominate.
Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy
Instagram: ruizhealy
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