Queretaro, Qro. For it to start functions eolico Park in Huimilpanmetropolitan municipality, still lacks the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) authorize investors to interconnect to the national electricity transmission network, confirmed local authorities.
In November 2017, the Querétaro government estimated that this park would begin in 2018, a project developed by the firm Aeolian Huimilpan, in the town of San Pedro; however, its opening has been postponed due to pending permits.
the governor of QueretaroMauricio Kuri González, declared that the project is close to obtaining the missing permits, after he held a meeting with the president of the CRELeopoldo Melchi Garcia.
“I met with the president of the CRE to support us, so that in Querétaro we can have sustainability and support, for example, the Huimilpan, energy company (…) we are this way to achieve it, it already has everything, we are helping them, no We leave them alone,” he declared.
According to the governor, this park will have the capacity to provide 30 megawatts of energy, a supply that is similar to providing electricity to 30,000 homes. Mauricio Kuri said that close to 1,000 million pesos were invested in this project.
“It is (a wind energy park) that is in Huimilpan, we had a great response from the president of the CRE, we are very close to being allowed to connect (…) Nothing more (lacks) the authorization of the CRE. We are helping them because it is an investment of 1,000 million pesos that helps us not only to support the company, to give it certainty, but also to have more energy”, he said.
He also raised the case of another company that is committed to self-generation of energy, an investment that is also managed before the CRE.
Regarding the project of Huimilpanthe Secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero, specified that the only thing missing is that the CRE authorize the interconnection of the park to the national electricity transmission network.
“Practically it is that the Energy Regulatory Commission authorizes the interconnection to the national electricity transmission network (…) It is the benefit in energy, it is clean energy, energy that contributes with low emissions, allows us to reduce our carbon footprint, it is energy accessible because it is already installed, it is energy that reduces the load on the national electricity transmission network”, he highlighted.
He explained that the park will have a practically automated operation, so that the jobs that are generated will be focused mainly on supervision tasks.
“More than the investment, which was large, we must highlight the environmental benefit, the day-to-day benefit, it is an installation that was made with a lot of effort, we have been monitoring it for months and if it is possible to connect it is already a benefit for the state . More than investment, it is the reduction in the load on the network, generation of clean energy ”, he deepened.
The state secretary specified that, although there are more projects of this type interested in arriving in the state, current legislation does not allow it, which is why they have been stopped.
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