Narcissists can be extremely difficult to deal with. They often put their own needs first, have a boosted sense of self-importance, and lack empathy for others. Unfortunately, these traits can sometimes lead to narcissistic abuse from a friend, which can be mentally and emotionally damaging. Therefore, it’s important to recognise the signs of narcissistic behaviour in order to protect yourself from potential harm. Luckily, there are 10 easy ways to deal with a narcissistic friend that will help you manage the situation best.
1. Protect Yourself Emotionally
Narcissistic individuals tend to project their feelings onto others and expect those around them to share their emotions or opinion on any given topic. This behaviour can be emotionally draining, so setting boundaries and learning to protect yourself from any potential harm is important. This might include setting clear limits on how much time you spend with them, not engaging in unproductive conversations, or avoiding topics that are likely to lead to a volatile situation.
2. Be Assertive
It’s important to remember that selfish people will often try to manipulate and control those around them and get what they want. If your friend is trying this with you, you must stay firm and assertive in order to maintain control of the situation. Keep your opinions and feelings known without offering too much detail about the specifics.
3. Listen Carefully
When collaborating with a narcissist, it is essential to listen carefully and objectively in order to understand their needs and feelings. This will allow you to better empathise with them and can help you come up with solutions that are beneficial for everyone involved. You must remain calm and try not to get too heated during this process, as your friend may become defensive if provoked.
4. Provide Constructive Feedback
Narcissists often struggle with taking criticism or constructive feedback. However, providing it in a way that doesn’t focus on attacking the person is still necessary for the relationship. For example, rather than pointing out your friend’s flaws, provide positive reinforcement when they do something well and be understanding when they make mistakes. You could suggest ways they can improve without directly attacking them.
5. Maintain Clear Boundaries
In order to protect yourself from potential narcissistic abuse, you must maintain clear boundaries and make sure your friend understands them as well. This might mean limiting the time you spend with them or avoiding specific topics of conversation altogether. It’s important to understand that boundaries are not meant to be punishing but rather a way for both parties to ensure mutual respect and understanding in the relationship.
6. Seek Professional Help
If the situation seems too overwhelming or damaging for you to handle yourself, it may be beneficial to seek help from a professional therapist or counsellor who can provide unbiased advice and help create healthy boundaries between you and your friend. A professional can also help you learn better communication techniques and provide tools to help you manage any difficult emotions that may arise in the situation.
7. Reassess The Relationship
It’s important to remember that how much effort you put into a relationship, it is ultimately up to your friend to make changes for it to be healthy. For example, suppose you have tried all these tips and still need help with the situation. In that case, it may be time to reassess the relationship and determine if continuing it is in your best interest.
8. Don’t take them too seriously
Narcissists often take themselves too seriously and expect others to do the same. Don’t fall into this trap. Instead, take a lighthearted approach and don’t be afraid to make jokes or tease them.
9. Don’t feed their ego
Narcissists often seek validation and praise, so don’t give it to them. Instead, try to focus on the positive areas of their personality and look for ways to encourage them without boosting their ego.
10. Don’t be afraid to call them out
Narcissists often have a hard time accepting criticism, so if they’re exhibiting narcissistic behaviour, don’t be scared to call them out on it. Make them realise that their behaviour is not acceptable and that it’s hurting your friendship.
Suppose you are dealing with a narcissistic friend. In that case, the most important thing to remember is that it’s OK to set boundaries, protect yourself emotionally, and take care of your well-being. By following these tips, you can learn how to manage the situation better and protect yourself from potential narcissistic abuse.