A Hungarian woman named Cristiana Barsoni Arcidiaconu, who is linked to the supply of the radios that exploded in Lebanon, previously worked as a “collaborating expert” at a European Union institution, media reports said.
The Brussels-based EU Observer website reported on Friday that Arcidiacono was involved in supplying explosive communications devices to Lebanon, and that she was alleged to be working for the Israeli foreign intelligence service (Mossad).
The website explained that Arcidiacono worked as a “collaborating expert” at the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture of the European Commission between 2021 and 2023.
The European Commission confirmed in a statement that Cristiana Barsoni Arcidiacono is not a permanent employee of the European Union institutions.
Arcidiacono admitted, in a statement to the American NBC channel, that she worked for the Hungarian company “BIC Consulting”, which turned out to have sold explosive communications devices in Lebanon, and that she was an “intermediary” in supplying these devices.
Allegations have been circulating that a company called Nort Global, based in Bulgaria and registered in the name of a Norwegian person, was also part of the supply chain.
In the Hungarian press, it was confirmed that BIC Consulting and Nort Global are “post office companies” with no offices, facilities or employees other than their executives.
For its part, the Bulgarian Intelligence Service stated that an investigation had been conducted into the case, and “no customs procedures were detected indicating that the devices in question had passed through Bulgaria.”
In turn, Hungarian government spokesman Zlatan Kovacs confirmed – via the X platform – the day before yesterday, Wednesday, that “the relevant agencies have never been present on Hungarian territory.”
Thirty-seven people were killed and more than 3,250 others were injured, including children and women, in a wave of explosions that struck Pager and ICOM radios in Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday. Beirut and Hezbollah held Israel responsible for the attack.