Setting a specific time for your meals plays a vital role in losing weight, as it is just as important as what you put on your plate, and it is claimed that eating an early dinner can help flatten your tummy and reduce your waistline.
Research showed, according to a website report timesnownews Time-restricted food can help reduce body fat, and many people probably use an early-on-time-restricted feeding plan, a form of intermittent fasting where dieters eat all of their meals in the morning and afternoon and fast for the rest of the day, to boost fat burning and curb their appetite.
Early dinner to lose weight
Useful for digestion:
Late-night meals can cause indigestion and affect your sleep, however, an early dinner can help with digestion – remember that anything good for your digestive system can be beneficial for weight loss.
Decreases appetite:
To see if eating earlier could help curb appetite, researchers analyzed 11 healthy people who were considered overweight. In the study, all participants were forced to try two meal timing schedules for four days each — with Give them the same types and amounts of food for each table. The researchers found that participants ate less and burned more fat when they ate all of their meals between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
However, the researchers cautioned that sticking to early feeding times is not the right approach for everyone, although the plan may help some people manage their appetite and weight.
What time should you eat dinner to lose weight?
According to a study, people who eat late lunch (eating after 3 pm) tend to lose less weight than those who eat early, while another study found that restricting the timing of eating to 6 am to 7 pm may reduce total calories by an amount 244, which indicates that fasting for a longer period can help with weight loss.
Meanwhile, a survey revealed the best times to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner if you want to lose weight:
- Breakfast – a little after 7am, with 7.11am chosen as ideal
- Lunch – between 12:30 pm and 1 pm, the best time to eat is 12.38 pm
- Dinner – between 6 pm and 6:30 pm, preferably at 6.14 pm
And eating dinner after 8 p.m. can add a few inches to your waist.
These meal times were based on the results of a survey conducted by Forza Supplements For the diet, which asked 1,000 dieters when was the best time to eat in order to lose weight optimally.