The name of the Egyptian artist Mohamed Salam topped the social media platforms, after he published a video clip – via his personal account on Instagram – in which he apologized for participating in the play “Artificial Marriage”, scheduled to be shown in the “Riyadh Season” on October 30 of this year.
Salam attributed his decision to refrain from traveling to Saudi Arabia to solidarity with the Palestinian people, noting that the start of preparation for the comedy play “Artificial Marriage” was scheduled for today, Wednesday, October 25, 2023, and that it would begin showing at the end of this month.
Salam stressed that his decision came too late, noting that he could not “dance, show off, and make the audience laugh” under these circumstances.
The Egyptian actor also stressed that he does not intend to outbid anyone, and that his decision stems from his personal belief that “the issue of Palestine is the issue of every Muslim,” even if he does not have practical help.
Mai Ezz El-Din, Bayoumi Fouad, Mustafa Gharib, Suleiman Eid, and Iman Al-Sayed are participating in the play’s starring role.